For labelling of free glycans with procainamide (PROC) sodium cyanoborohydride reductant. Kit sufficient for 96 samples.
Procainamide labelling permits glycan identification by either mass spectrometry or UHPLC. Because of its improved ionisation efficiency compared to 2-AB labelling, it can permit the identification of minor glycans (1% relative peak area) by ESI-MS.
Each kit is suitable for labelling 96 samples (N- and O-glycans) and contains the following components:
Procainamide dye (LT-PROC-01)
2PB reductant (2-picoline borane) (LT-PB-01) or sodium cyanoborohydride reductant (LT-CYANOB-05)
30% acetic acid in DMSO (LT-ACETIC-DMSO-01)
Note: LT-KPROC-96 kit contains sodium cyanoborohydride as reductant.