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英国Ludger生物科技有限公司中国办事处,简称 Ludger上海办事处

Research & Development

Ludger has an active R&D programme for development of new glycoanalysis methods with an emphasis on improving reliability, sensitivity, sample throughput and cost. These methods are designed for lifecycle and brand-to-brand comparability of glycoprotein therapeutics that have complex, variable and microheterogeneous glycosylation.

In addition to this, Ludger is now developing practical systems for longitudinal analysis of glycosylation patterns in body fluids such as blood, saliva and mucous to monitor inflammatory conditions.

To enable analysis of multiple samples using various orthogonal analytical techniques, Ludger has been developing its ‘LongBow’ glycomics system. This comprises an integrated set of glycoprofiling modules for semi-automated high throughput N- and O-glycoprofiling of complex biological samples with analysis on multiple analytical platforms, such as UHPLC and MS.

If you are interested in collaborating with us, please contact us at info@ludger.com


  • Ludger 产品列表
  • 重组内切糖苷酶F LZ-rPNGaseF-kit; 参考价RMB 8397元(具体询价)
  • Ludger 内切糖苷酶 LZ-PNGaseL-50-KIT;参考价RMB 5914元(具体询价)
  • 神经酰胺聚糖酶试剂盒 LZ-CER-HM-KIT Ceramide Glycanase Kit;参考价:RMB4588元(具体询价)
  • 唾液酸O-乙酰酯酶试剂盒 LZ-ACASE-KIT;参考价RMB 7227元(具体询价)
  • VTAG多糖释放和标记试剂盒 LT-VTAG-C30;参考价RMB 20448元(具体询价)
  • 糖肽标记和富集试剂盒 LT-VTAG-24;参考价RMB 11049元(具体询价)
  • 全甲基化试剂盒(不含碘甲烷) LT-PERMET-VP96;参考价RMB 7669元(具体询价)